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Showing posts from January, 2014

Something to get up early for

Today my morning began oh so well; my beloved Tom and I listened to an Anglican morning prayer service online. This is not the typical way we Bowyers begin our day. It is the way I, a morning person, always dream of beginning a day (minus the Anglican part until we met an Anglican priest the other day... more on that to follow), and it is the way Tom, a roll-over-in-bed-until-the-last-possible-moment person, wishes that he would consider dreaming of beginning a day. Through a series of events, however, both Tom and I found ourselves at the kitchen table drinking tea, feeding Piper bits of sweet potato left over from yesterday, and listening to lessons and prayers shared with hundreds of other believers around the world. I LOVE that concept. Practicing that concept gets a little more hairy. For example, by the time we made it to the gospel lesson, Piper did not want anymore breakfast. By the Lord's prayer she did not want to play alone anymore. By the final prayer she was whimperi...

Joyful Dragon

I've been thinking about many things since the beginning of the year. First off I was thinking of how this year will probably be amazing because it's 2014 and 14 is my favorite number. Deep thought, I know. But it lead me to another thought: I better have a good year this year because this is the only year with a 14 in it I'll be living. Also, deep, I know. Hang in there. That lead me to another chain of thoughts which is, hopefully, worth sharing. It's crazy to me that we humans know we have a limited amount of time on earth. There's a variable to the number of years of course, but a rough estimate is possible, and we make it and live around it. That's a large weight to carry around every day if you stop to think about it. It's hard to know that you'll be gone by a certain time. For example, I know I won't be around in 2114 - which would be my next possible year with a 14 in it.  Even more amazing is the fact that, in the midst of knowing ou...