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It's All in the Fam

I have a suspicion that tomorrow is going to be wonderful. I don't have any special plans, or really any plans for that matter besides eating black eyed peas with my parents, but my suspicion is so strong that I might even be able to call it a hunch.

My hunch about tomorrow has something to do with this little lady

And with these guys (my beloved Tom and Pop, my Dad)

And this guy... we'll just call him Scrooge

And these crazies who helped me make Christmas cookies this season (Nurse Cori and Granjoy, whom sweet baby Piper Joy is named after)

And the entire family who came over to decorate said cookies in the form of a fierce competition definitely has something to do with my hunch about tomorrow

Tomorrow will be wonderful because I am blessed with a fun, funny, loving, and as Dad would say, darn good lookin' family. The memories we made this past year will be a part of my joy tomorrow.

Happy 2014 from my family to yours!


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